Circling the Lion's Den

Administrative Department of Government

Director - Mikhail Lychagin

Administrative Department (AD) supervises secret services of the Russian Federation from the government.Provides duly passage of documents and limited oversight over services. Analogue and successor of the Department of administrative bodies at the Central Committee of the CPSU. 

One of the heads of department was Sergey Stepashin, a FSB director in 1995-1996. Up to Lychagin the administrative department was headed by Dmitry Ryzhkov, the former officer of the security services.

On September, 17, 2004 Ryzhkov has been appointed as deputy head of governmental body of the Russian Federation.

Profile of Mikhail Lychagin: 

Mikhail Lychagin was born in 1947 in Leningrad. In 1972 has ended the Leningrad polytechnical institute. Till 1997 served in Armed forces of the Russian Federation. In 1997-1999 worked on supervising posts in Open Society " Rosgosstrakh " (Moscow), in 1999-2001 - as deputy head of secretary of vice-premier Ilya Klebanov who subsequently became chapter Ministry of science, and nowadays is plenipotentiary of the President in SZFO. Till March 2004 M. Lychagin held a post of the deputy minister of the industry, a science and technologies of the Russian Federation. On September 20 2004 Lychagin was appointed as director of Administrative department.